Team Coaching Outdoors

Let Nature inspire your thinking.

About You

Are you looking for inspiration to develop yourself or your Team?

Do you have challenges to resolve and hurdles to overcome? Do you want to enhance your Personal or Team performance? Need some fresh thinking to break through being stuck? Want to create change but not sure how to get it going?

About Me
Coaching Outdoors
Experience - The Escape
Experience - The Reflection
Experience - The Challenge
Experience - The Challenge
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Experience - The Connection
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What we offer

Leaders in the Outdoor Industry

Are you looking to improve your Team or Organisational performance? Whether it be Organisational changes or Team challenges to overcome, relationships to develop or new ways of working. Bring your team together in the outdoors environment and connect. See if Team Coaching Outdoors can help.

Coaching Skills for Outdoor Educators

Are you an outdoor Educator looking to develop your teaching and delivery skills. Bringing you Coaching skills development in the Outdoor environment to bolster your repertoire.

Disconnect2Reconnect Workshops and Retreats

Workshops and Retreats for Organisations or Private Individuals. Get away from the normal to find focus, new thinking and reconnect with what is important to you.

About Me

I have spent the last 15 years supporting individuals, Leaders and their Teams to define and make their top priorities become reality.

Seven years ago I moved to live in the French Pyrenees mountains with a dream to combine together my experience as an Executive Coach and my passion for the outdoors. Such an amazing outdoor environment is so rich in its ability to support the Coaching process, just being here already opens up a world of thinking possibilities…

Outdoor Mountain Coach

Member of the Association for Coaching

With over 1500 logged coaching hours, 800+ working with Teams, I offer my knowledge and experience in supporting Team development to you. Deepening connections at the same time as attaining specific outcomes come hand in hand. View the Code of Conduct HERE.

Association for Coaching Member

Member of the Institute for Outdoor Learning

Bringing the Outdoors and Coaching together to make a positive difference in Organisations and Teams. As a Member of the IOL, there is a strict Code of Conduct that I adhere to with all of my interventions in Coaching Outdoors. You can view the Code of Conduct HERE.

Institute for Outdoor Learning

“I would highly recommend Damian as a Team Coach for any Team wishing to deepen their connections, dialogue and progress with having difficult, more connected Organisational conversations.”

Director, Performance Marketing


Coaching Hours


Team Coaching Hours


Individual Clients


Years’ of Successful Coaching

What My Clients Say

Here are just a few of the lovely things some of my previous clients have to say about working with me…

Explore Team Coaching Outdoors Today.

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