Evidence led Coaching with a Human Connection
With a broad base of Coaching experience, tools, techniques and understanding, my Coaching approach is grounded in learning.
Having a learning mindset towards ourselves, others, and the situational context can shift our thinking patterns and our behaviours significantly. Sounds simple, but it isn’t so easy!
Bringing this learning mindset outdoors, here, into this natural environment of the French Pyrenees Mountains adds such depth and inspiration that a whole new dimension can be built into the Coach process and experience.
My Background
My Psychology interest started well before I had even heard of Coaching, and I guess, largely before it was the industry that it is today. My interest in the power of the mind was first sparked when I was around 9 or 10 years old and I had picked up a copy of Bring Out the Magic in Your Mind by Al Koran.
Many years later, and of working age by then, I was presented with an introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), which gave me a interesting insight and language to engage with around what makes us tick. Even if not entirely grounded in unflawed research and evidence based fact, NLP offered me a springboard and a vocabulary, that supported me to make sense of some of the phenomenon of human behaviour. I particularly connected with the idea that we can largely be in control of what we do and how we act, and that, if we can connect with, and realise our ability to choose the way we think and act, we can master self management, achievement and success in our lives.
Moving on through to my career in Human Resources, building experience and understanding of many Organisations and the development and leadership of people within them, I picked up many theories and practices through my study and connection with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). My career developed with a significant focus on the more holistic side of Organisational Development and more latterly Culture and Behaviour change within Organisations. Here enters Coaching, in a conscious and defined form, where I realised that building the capabilities of Leaders and their Teams had far, far more impact on Organisational cultures and behaviours than any large scale and cost ineffective Organisational restructures, and at a fraction of the cost and resource.
I decided to bolster my practice in the field of Coaching and completed my MSc in Coaching Psychology in 2015 and this gave me such a breadth and depth of understanding around a research based, evidence led approach to Coaching practice. It not only expanded my professional horizons ten-fold, but also gave me lots to hang my previous experiences on. I remember saying ‘Ahhhh, that’s how that works like that’, and ‘that’s why this work this way’ and various things like that, alot.
Since 2015, I have been building on this base with further development in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Change management theory and my work with Organisational Teams, and now have the wonderful opportunity to bring all of this quality Leadership Coaching to my clients in the amazing French Pyrenees Mountains. Bringing the outdoors, mountains and Nature to the Coaching experience to expand thinking, and to place a whole new dimension on what is possible for Leadership Coaching in the service of my Clients.
TeamCoaching Outdoors and linking with Nature as a thinking partner has endless possibilities. What is in the moment is ever changing, hard to plan for and brings a humbleness that I can’t describe. Disconnecting to reconnect with what is important, the people we are with, ourselves and the natural environment, can shift us to a new perspective, a new vision, a previously unthinkable thought. Come and join me and experience it for yourself, with your Team, and see what is possible.
My Current Thoughts on Coaching Outdoors
Creating amazing Teams through defining, clarifying and sharing objectives; building trust and safety for all Team members to be themselves AND bring all of themselves; connecting with each other and to your purpose. This is what (in my humble opinion) makes for great performing, successful, stretched but not burnt-out teams. What better place to enable this that these beautiful Mountains of the Pyrenees, with a professional and experienced Organisational and Team Coach.